Meigan Aronson Curriculum Vitae
Meigan Aronson
Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Stony Brook University
Group Leader, Correlated Electron Materials
Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Ph.D University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 1988
A. B Bryn Mawr College, 1980
Research Interests:
The central research interest of our group is the exploration of how magnetic moments form or survive in the metallic environment, as well as the interplay of moment stability and magnetic order. Currently, our experiments center on three different areas. First, we are interested in the unusual critical phenomena associated with zero temperature magnetic phase transitions in heavy fermion intermetallic compounds, especially the roles of disorder and limited dimensionality. Our second research focus is with the properties of the electron gas at low densities, where strong and unscreened Coulomb interactions are expected to lead to unusual types of charge and spin order, especially in very large magnetic fields. Finally, we have a new project in which we study the dynamics of magnetic nanoparticles, with the aim of studying the role of spatial confinement on magnetic freezing.
We use neutron scattering as well as a variety of transport, magnetic, and thermal measurements to probe the ground state and its excitations of these strongly correlated systems. These measurements are carried out at temperatures as low as 0.01 K, magnetic fields as large as 60 Tesla, and pressures as large as 200,000 atmospheres. Neutron scattering measurements are carried out at both reactor and spallation sources in the US and Europe.
Professional Activities:
Member, Neutron Advisory Board, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Member, External Advisory Committee, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory.
Member, Board of Governors, Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter (ICAM), University of California.
Member, Committee on Opportunities in High Magnetic Field Science, National Academy Board on Physics and Astronomy.
Co-organizer, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES2001), Ann Arbor, MI August 2001.
Co-organizer, Gordon Research Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems. June 2002.
Member-at-Large, Division of Condensed Matter Physics Executive Committee, American Physical Society. 1995-1998.
Member and Chair, Committee on Education, American Physical Society. 1997-2000.
Awards and Honors:
Fellow, American Physics Society
General Electric Junior Faculty Fellow
CIC Academic Leadership Fellow
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