Our experiments are carried out in our laboratories at Brookhaven National Laboratory and in the Physics Department at Stony Brook University.
We have two Quantum Designs Physical Phenomena Measurement Systems (PPMS) , which can be used to carry out a variety of electrical transport measurements ( resistance and Hall effect), dc and ac magnetization, heat capacity, thermal transport at temperatures from 0.3 K to 350 K (with the Helium-3 Option), or 0.05K to 300 K (with the Dilution Refridgerator Option), and in magnetic fields as large as 9 or 14 Tesla among the two PPMS's. We also have the Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) which enable us to perform magnetic measurements from temperature from 1.8 K up to 800 K.
We have a Quantum Designs SQUID based magnetometer (Magnetic Phenomena Measurement System MPMS), shown at the right, which will allow us to measure dc magnetization and ac susceptibility for temperatures from 1.2 K - 800 K, and in fields as large as 7 Tesla. We have developed a novel high pressure clamp which can be used in the MPMS to perform dc magnetization measurements at pressures as large as 20 kbar.
We specialize in performing electrical transport and ac magnetic susceptibility at pressures as large as 200,000 bars, using Bridgman anvil cells, and a wider variety of measurements, both transport and magnetization, performed at pressures up to 18 kbar using liquid clamp cells. We have several home built cryostat systems for use with these pressure cells, for temperatures from 0.3 K – 300 K, and in magnetic fields as large as 11 Tesla.
We are developing a laboratory for the high temperature synthesis of intermetallic compounds, which includes a Buehler AM arc-melting apparatus, a variety of tube and box furnaces for single crystal and polycrystalline synthesis and heat treatments, as well as a Vacuum Atmospheres glove box for air sensitive samples. We are frequent users of the University of Michigan EMAL facility where we carry out powder x-ray diffraction studies and also TEM, SEM, and microprobe measurements on these newly synthesized materials.
We also carry out experiments on these materials using several different national research facilities. Dc magnetic fields as large as 45 Tesla are available at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, Florida, while pulsed fields as large as 100 Tesla are available at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Los Alamos.
We also carry out a variety of neutron scattering experiments, using most of the neutron scattering centers in the US and in Europe. Inelastic neutron scattering experiments have been carried out using the time of flight technique at the ISIS neutron source located in Oxfordshire, England, at the Institut Laue Langevin in Grenoble, France, and at the Intense Pulsed Neutron Source at Argonne National Laboratory, near Chicago IL. Triple axis experiments are carried out at the High Flux Isotope Reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and at the NIST Center for Neutron Research. Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) measurements are carried out on magnetic nanoparticle systems using spectrometers at NIST and at the IPNS.